DRF Integration


To set up deux for your Django Rest Framework application, follow these steps. For help setting up a DRF project, see guide here.

  1. Install deux.

    $ pip install deux
  2. Add deux to INSTALLED_APPS after rest_framework.authtoken and oauth2_provider, depending on which authentication protocol you use.

        # ...,
        # ...,
  3. Migrate your database to add the MultiFactorAuth model.

    $ python manage.py migrate
  4. Configure your settings.py file, as described in Settings.


The library comes with a standard set of views you can add to your Django Rest Framework API, that allows your users to enable/disable multifactor authentication.

To enable them, add the following configuration to your file urls.py:

url(r"^mfa/", include("deux.urls", namespace="mfa")),

The library also provides views for authenticating through multifactor authentication depending on your authentication protocol.

  1. For authtoken, add the following to urls.py:

    url(r"^mfa/authtoken/", include(
        "deux.authtoken.urls", namespace="mfa-authtoken:login")),
  2. For oauth2, add the following to urls.py:

    url(r"^mfa/oauth2/", include(
        "deux.oauth2.urls", namespace="mfa-oauth2:login")),


The library takes the following settings object. The default values are as followed:

DEUX = {
    "STEP_SIZE": 30,
    "MFA_MODEL": "deux.models.MultiFactorAuth",
    "SEND_MFA_TEXT_FUNC": "deux.notifications.send_mfa_code_text_message",

MFA Optional Settings

  1. BACKUP_CODE_DIGITS: The length of multifactor backup code.

    • Default: 12
  2. MFA_CODE_NUM_DIGITS: The length of a multifactor authentication code.

    • Default: 6
  3. STEP_SIZE: The length of an authentication window in seconds.

    • Usage: An authentication code is valid for 3 windows: the window in which the code is generated, the window before, and the window after.
    • Default: 6
  4. MFA_MODEL: The model used for multifactor authentication

    • Default: models.MultiFactorAuth
    • Descrtiption: The default model is a blank extension of abstract_models.AbstractMultiFactorAuth

Twilio Driver Settings

  1. SEND_MFA_TEXT_FUNC: The function used for sending text messages to users.

    • Default: deux.notifications.send_mfa_code_text_message

If you use our default Twilio driver, you must also include your Twilio credentials in the settings object.

  1. TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID: Your Twilio account’s SID.
  2. TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN: Your Twilio account’s authentication token.
  3. TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER: Your Twilio account’s phone number.