Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import six
from uuid import uuid4

from django.utils.crypto import constant_time_compare
from django_otp.oath import totp

from deux.app_settings import mfa_settings
from deux.constants import CHALLENGE_TYPES, SMS

[docs]def generate_mfa_code(bin_key, drift=0): """ Generates an MFA code based on the ``bin_key`` for the current timestamp offset by the ``drift``. :param bin_key: The secret key to be converted into an MFA code :param drift: Number of time steps to shift the conversion. """ return six.text_type(totp( bin_key, step=mfa_settings.STEP_SIZE, digits=mfa_settings.MFA_CODE_NUM_DIGITS, drift=drift )).zfill(mfa_settings.MFA_CODE_NUM_DIGITS)
[docs]def generate_key(): """Generates a key used for secret keys.""" return uuid4().hex
[docs]def verify_mfa_code(bin_key, mfa_code): """ Verifies that the inputted ``mfa_code`` is a valid code for the given secret key. We check the ``mfa_code`` against the current time stamp as well as one time step before and after. :param bin_key: The secret key to verify the MFA code again. :param mfa_code: The code whose validity this function tests. """ if not mfa_code: return False try: mfa_code = int(mfa_code) except ValueError: return False else: totp_check = lambda drift: int( generate_mfa_code(bin_key=bin_key, drift=drift)) return any( constant_time_compare(totp_check(drift), mfa_code) for drift in [-1, 0, 1] )
[docs]class MultiFactorChallenge(object): """ A class that represents a supported challenge and has the ability to execute the challenge. :param instance: :class:`MultiFactorAuth` instance to use. :param challenge_type: Challenge type being used for this object. :raises AssertionError: If ``challenge_type`` is not a supported challenge type. """ def __init__(self, instance, challenge_type): assert challenge_type in CHALLENGE_TYPES, ( "Inputted challenge type is not supported." ) self.instance = instance self.challenge_type = challenge_type
[docs] def generate_challenge(self): """ Generates and executes the challenge object based on the challenge type of this object. """ dispatch = { SMS: self._sms_challenge } for challenge in CHALLENGE_TYPES: assert challenge in dispatch, ( "'{challenge}' does not have a challenge dispatch " "method.".format(challenge=challenge) ) return dispatch[self.challenge_type]()
def _sms_challenge(self): """Executes the SMS challenge.""" code = generate_mfa_code(bin_key=self.instance.sms_bin_key) mfa_settings.SEND_MFA_TEXT_FUNC( mfa_instance=self.instance, mfa_code=code)