
class deux.serializers.BackupCodeSerializer[source]

Serializer for the user requesting backup codes.

backup_code = None

Serializer field for the backup code.


Method for retrieving the backup code. On every request, the backup code is refreshed.

Parameters:instanceMultiFactorAuth instance to use.
Raises:serializers.ValidationError – If MFA is disabled.
class deux.serializers.MultiFactorAuthSerializer[source]

Basic MultiFactorAuthSerializer that encodes MFA objects into a standard response.

The standard response returns whether MFA is enabled, the challenge type, and the user’s phone number.


Encodes an MFA instance as the standard response.

Parameters:mfa_instanceMultiFactorAuth instance to use.
Returns:Dictionary with enabled, challengetype, and phone_number from the MFA instance.
class deux.serializers.SMSChallengeRequestSerializer[source]

Serializer that facilitates a request to enable MFA over SMS.

challenge_type = u'sms'

This serializer represents the SMS challenge type.

update(mfa_instance, validated_data)[source]

If the request data is valid, the serializer executes the challenge by calling the super method and also saves the phone number the user requested the SMS to.

  • mfa_instanceMultiFactorAuth instance to use.
  • validated_data – Data returned by validate.
class deux.serializers.SMSChallengeVerifySerializer[source]

Extension of _BaseChallengeVerifySerializer that implements challenge verification for the SMS challenge.

challenge_type = u'sms'

This serializer represents the SMS challenge type.

class deux.serializers._BaseChallengeRequestSerializer[source]

Base Serializer class for all challenge request.


Represents the challenge type this serializer represents.

Raises:NotImplemented – If the extending class does not define challenge_type.

Execute challenge for this instance based on the challenge_type.

Parameters:instanceMultiFactorAuth instance to use.
Raises:serializers.ValidationError – If the challenge fails to execute.
update(mfa_instance, validated_data)[source]

If the request is valid, the serializer calls update which executes the challenge_type.

  • mfa_instanceMultiFactorAuth instance to use.
  • validated_data – Data returned by validate.

Validate the request to enable MFA through this challenge.

Extending classes should extend for additional functionality. The base functionality ensures that MFA is not already enabled.

Parameters:internal_data – Dictionary of the request data.
Raises:serializers.ValidationError – If MFA is already enabled.
class deux.serializers._BaseChallengeVerifySerializer[source]

This serializer first extracts MFA code from request body (to_internal_value). It then verifies the code against the corresponding MultiFactorAuth instance (validate). If the code is valid, it enables MFA based on the challenge type (update).


Represents the challenge type this serializer represents.

Raises:NotImplemented – If the extending class does not define challenge_type.
mfa_code = None

Requests to verify an MFA code must include an mfa_code.

update(mfa_instance, validated_data)[source]

If the request is valid, the serializer enables MFA on this instance for this serializer’s challenge_type.

  • mfa_instanceMultiFactorAuth instance to use.
  • validated_data – Data returned by validate.

Validates the request to verify the MFA code. It first ensures that MFA is not already enabled and then verifies that the MFA code is the correct code.

Parameters:internal_data – Dictionary of the request data.
Raises:serializers.ValidationError – If MFA is already enabled or if the inputted MFA code is not valid.