

The send SMS function can be directly overridden by a custom function. You can configure the function in your SEND_MFA_TEXT_FUNC setting.

Your SMS function should throw deux.exceptions.FailedChallengeError for any errors to be caught by this library’s functions.

Your function can look something like this:

def custom_send_function(mfa_instance, mfa_code):

To use the function, in your settings.py:

DEUX = {
    "SEND_MFA_TEXT_FUNC": "<module_path>.custom_send_function",


You can write your own custom model that extends deux.abstract_models.AbstractMultiFactorAuth and configure the model in your MFA_MODEL setting.

Your model can look something like this:

class CustomMultiFactorAuth(AbstractMultiFactorAuth):

To use the function, in your settings.py:

DEUX = {
    "MFA_MODEL": "<module_path>.CustomMultiFactorAuth",

Authentication Protocols

Currently, the package supports authtoken and oauth2. You can easily extend the package to support your authentication protocol of choice.

Create a new sub-directory under the main application for your authentication and create a new login endpoint that follows the same two factor login protocol as the rest of the package.

Register your new endpoint in the test_proj/urls.py file like this:

    include("deux.<protocol>.urls", namespace="<protocol>"),

Look at deux.authtoken or deux.oauth2 for examples.

Challenge Methods

Currently, the package supports two factor over text message. However, it is easy to add your own challenge method for two factor (i.e. Google Authenticator or email).

Create a new challenge type in deux.constants.

YOUR_CHALLENGE_METHOD = "<Your challenge method.>"


Then, add a new challenge method to the deux.services.MultiFactorChallenge class.

class MultiFactorChallenge(object):

    def generate_challenge(self):
        Generates and executes the challenge object based on the challenge
        type of this object.
        dispatch = {
            SMS: self._sms_challenge,
            YOUR_CHALLENGE_METHOD: self._your_challenge_method,


    def _your_challenge_method(self):
        """Executes your challenge method."""

Then, add the necessary endpoints around requesting and verifying Two Factor with this challenge method.

url(r"^sms/verify/$", views.SMSChallengeVerifyDetail.as_view(),